The Dream
Paradise on the Margins is an anthology by transgender women of color and trans femmes of color exploring the ways we craft our own journeys through resistance and resilience. There has never been a time in history in which trans women of color have been able to more adequately articulate our experiences and demand that our power be seen and acknowledged. We want to break down the barriers that keep us silent once and for all. What kind of worlds do trans women and femmes of color inhabit and create to navigate the rampant oppression of the world? How are we artistically and intellectually grappling with the issues of race, sex, gender, class, and empire? What forms of knowledge-making and self-making do trans women and femmes of color engage with in our daily lives?
"Too often, people with resources who already have a platform become the ones to tell the stories of those at the margins."
- Tourmaline
“There’s girls in prison that need to hear from us, who need to know that somebody out here gives a damn whether they live or die.”
- Miss Major Griffin-Gracy
“She loves, unconditionally and without judgement. She is the blueprint for our liberation and has ensured that the path I walk on, that we all walk on, is less rocky because she exists.”
- Janet Mock on Miss Major Griffin-Gracy
“We are not ashamed and we are not afraid.”
- Isa Noyola
“We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are. There are many of us out there.”
- Sylvia Rivera
The Paradise on the Margins team of co-editors includes Lexi Adsit, Nava Mau, LaVelle Ridley, Raquel Willis and Erique Zhang.
Read their bios here.
RSVP to the submission deadline event if you're interested in submitting, and we will send you a reminder!